Call Us Today for All of Your Technical Training Needs! 1-888-708-1112 Writer

This one-day course provides students with the knowledge and skills to create, edit, and manage text documents, books, newsletters, mail merges, and more.

Prior to attending this class, students should have the following experience:

  • Basic Desktop usage (mouse, keyboard, etc.).

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Configure Writer
  • Edit text content, styles and formatting
  • Include graphics, tables and other objects
  • Manage data sources within a document
  • Generate forms and other advanced documents

Course Topics:

  1. Introducing Writer
  2. Setting up Writer
  3. Working with Text
  4. Formatting Pages
  5. Printing, Faxing, Exporting and E-mailing
  6. Introduction to Styles
  7. Working with Styles
  8. Working with Graphics
  9. Working with Tables
  10. Working with Templates
  11. Using Mail Merge
  12. Creating Tables of Contents, Indexes and Bibliographies
  13. Working with Master Documents
  14. Working with Fields
  15. Using Forms in Writer
  16. Math Objects