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EX200: Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam


  • Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills
  • Students who have attended Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) & Red Hat System Administration II (RH135) and are on the path to earn RHCSA certification
  • Experienced Linux system administrators who require a certification either by their organization, or based on a mandate (DOD 8570 directive)
  • IT professionals who are on the path to earn an RHCE
  • RHCEs who are non-current or who are about to become non-current and wish to re-certify as RHCE

Exam Overview

  • The RHCSA certification exam consists of one half-day session. The exam itself is 2.5 hours long and starts at 9:00am. The exam is performance-based, meaning that candidates must perform tasks on a live system, rather than answering multiple choice questions. To earn RHCSA credential, candidates must demonstrate the skills required to be a successful Linux administrator.
  • The RHCSA exam objectives provides authoritative guidance on the knowledge and skills candidates will need to demonstrate in the RHCSA exam. It also provides more specific information on the exam format and coverage. All candidates are urged to use this information to evaluate their readiness for the exam.
  • Candidates will be emailed exam results within three US business days following the exam.
  • An RHCSA certification is required in order to earn Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE).