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TCL-201: Tcl/Expect Programming

This three-day programming class provides programmers the knowledge to create Tcl/TK scripts. Students will develop experience to automate system tasks via hands-on programming exercises in conjunction with the lecture.

Prior to attending this class, students should have the following experience:

  • Programming experience in a structured language (C, C++, Java, Cobol) is required.

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Use scalar, list and array variables.
  • Manipulate strings.
  • Use regular expressions to search for and replace sub-strings within a string.
  • Use flow control statements such as if, while, switch, for and foreach.
  • Create and use procedures including handling the scope of variables.
  • Control the file system and processes from within a Tcl script.
  • Use Expect to automate scripts.
  • Send processed data with the send command.
  • Receive data from processes with the expect command.
  • Handle multiple processes with Expect.


  1. Introduction to Tcl/Tk
  2. Tcl Basics
  3. Variables
  4. Lists
  5. Arrays
  6. Strings
  7. Regular expressions
  8. Flow control
  9. Procedures
  10. File & Processing Handling
  11. Introduction to Expect
  12. Using the send command
  13. Using the expect command
  14. Using globs and regular expressions with Expect
  15. Processing handling
  16. Handling user input and controlling output